Thursday, January 20, 2011

Field Trips

Yesterday The Oldest and I embarked on a field trip "Tour of the Big City". We've had a trip to the Capitol on the calendar for quite sometime, and because of last week's ice craziness, Homeschool Academy at the zoo was rescheduled for the same day. As a result, here is the breakdown of my workout yesterday...

1 - Sprint through the streets of Atlanta, dragging my 8 year old behind me, trying to get to the Capitol on time for our tour. This after hyperventilating in panic thinking about the email that stated *3 times* that we must not be late! (For the record, we made it to the exit with about 25 minutes to spare only to sit in traffic and circle around the Capitol building 3 times trying to find parking. Arrrgh!)
2 - Push the pedal to the medal to get back to the southside to pick up Baby Munchkin while The Oldest is in his zoo class.
3 - Walk around the zoo pushing stroller.

I had brief thoughts of trying to fit in a run last night, but once we were finally home, the day really caught up with me, and I decided to give myself a break. We have to do that sometimes, ya know? Mamas carry around a lot of guilt, and we certainly don't need to add to that by beating ourselves up about it when life gets in the way of our workout plans.

That said, I was back at it this morning. I enjoyed a lovely pre-workout jaunt up "suicide hill" at boot camp, a little bonus for missing yesterday. Then we worked on our "guts and guns". I'm thinking the suicide hill added some leg work in there, and I'm feeling the burn everywhere, so I'm naming today's workout "Guts, Guns, and Gams"! Good stuff.

Oh, and I have had a little inspiration for a new workout to add to Daddy-o's routine as he preps for the Warrior Dash. He can't wait to try it tonight! Hee hee...

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